What advice would I give myself a year ago?

Can much change within a year?



(Image: free-printablecalenders.com)

A friend recently asked me a question: what advice would I give to myself a year ago? At first I thought it was joke.  The time frame of a year seemed to little and insufficient to me, and I didn’t think much had happened to be completely honest.

I reflected on the the last 365 days and I came up with four snippets of advice for myself:


(Image: Pets for Homes)

  1. You are about to enter a period of your life that will push you physically, emotionally and mentally. Do not run from this, you will want to and you will fail. Get on the horse and ride it!
  2.  You will pass your driving test (finally!). You will feel more liberated because of it. The hour long journeys that you take now will be seriously reduced and hour long journeys now will take you to more exciting places. Also, watch out for white van drivers.
  3. In a few months you will begin to set your alarm for 4am, sleeping on the bus with contact lenses in is not fun.
  4. Stand your ground: fight your corner if someone is throwing punches your way. Muhammad Ali wouldn’t just stand in a boxing ring taking hits, neither should you. Fight immediately and don’t let them wear-you-down.

A year in the grand scheme of things may not seem like a long time. In fact, it may seem like no time has passed at all.  It does make you wonder about the future, even in a years time.

I think what I will take from the question: What advice would I give myself a year from now ? Is the message it tells me. It tells me that life will pass at fast pace, enjoy the moments now even if they seem insignificant – they may not later.





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